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Remote hiring: The new norm in the workplace

Akhilesh Verma, Strategic Talent Acquisition Team Lead, STAT, UST India

As hiring priorities changed, employers have started looking for candidates that align with the company culture rather than just qualifications. At UST, we are to embrace the same values that have shaped us since the beginning.

Akhilesh Verma, Strategic Talent Acquisition Team Lead, STAT, UST India

Akhilesh Verma, Strategic Talent Acquisition Team Lead, STAT, UST India

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In the aftermath of the pandemic, businesses have changed they operate. Remote work transformed from a new reality to a norm of life. As a result, companies have had to adapt to hiring remote employees.

What is remote hiring?

Remote hiring or remote recruiting is the process of sourcing, interviewing, and hiring employees through digital media instead of in-person interviews. In some cases, it is also a blend of both. In an article published by Forbes, Marc C. Perna notes that "digital hiring tools were already on the rise, but the pandemic has accelerated their use. As companies transform their hiring processes, AI and automation are coming to the forefront as necessities for growth in a post-pandemic workplace."

According to data published by McKinsey, the pandemic has pushed tens of millions worldwide to work from home, accelerating a workplace experiment that had struggled to gain traction before COVID-19 hit. Let's take a closer look at the current state of remote hiring, its challenges, and the future.


Challenges of remote hiring and how to overcome them




How has remote hiring evolved in recent times?

Technology in Recruiting: The pandemic brought a rapid evolution of recruiting technologies to many companies. We were forced to move the entire hiring process online. Applications and resumes were done online or sent through the mail. Interviews took place over Zoom, MS Teams, etc., or were recorded, and onboarding was done online for remote positions.

Another notable change in recruiting has been the transition into a data-oriented process. This comes as no surprise since the digitization of the hiring process generated a large volume of data points.

Recruiting software can automate many of these functions, streamlining the process and speeding it up so hiring can be done faster. As many workers continue to return to their offices, most interviews are still conducted remotely as it's easier and more efficient for hiring staff, recruiters, and candidates alike.

By bringing technology to work life, current and future employees need to get proficient in utilizing multiple platforms simultaneously to be productive and effective in completing their daily workload.

Focus on Employee Life Experience

When employees previously showed up to work in an office and left at the end of the day, it wasn't really necessary for managers or employers to know much about their lives outside the office. Remote work and online meetings changed everything, as managers and coworkers saw spouses, children, pets, and other parts of the home environment through the camera. As a result of this exposure, employers' level of empathy and understanding has evolved in many positive ways.

Virtual Interviews:

Video conferencing platforms like Zoom, MS Teams, etc., have become go-to tools for remote interviews. Hiring managers can now interview candidates from anywhere in the world without meeting them in person. This has opened up opportunities for candidates who would otherwise have been unable to attend in-person interviews.

Remote Onboarding:

Companies have had to figure out how to onboard new employees remotely. This has led to the creation of virtual onboarding processes that includes video calls, online training, and digital document signing.

Increased Importance of Soft Skills:

With remote work becoming the norm, soft skills like communication, collaboration, and self-motivation have become more critical. Employers are now placing greater emphasis on these skills during the hiring process.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Remote work has also led to a greater emphasis on flexible work arrangements. Many companies now offer part-time, full-time, or freelance positions that allow employees to work from home or any location of their choice.

Remote Candidate Assessments

Companies now use online assessments to evaluate candidates' skills and abilities. These assessments may include coding challenges, personality tests, and other types of evaluations.

Increased Competition:

The pandemic has led to increased competition for remote jobs, as candidates worldwide can now apply for the same positions. This has forced companies to be more selective during the hiring process.

Increased Demand for Social Media Recruiting:

Another change in the post-COVID world is the increased demand for social media. Social media platforms have always played a significant role in the hiring process, but that has undoubtedly accelerated after the expansion of remote work. Many companies now rely on these platforms to seek candidates who align with their organizational culture and values. Social media hiring will also play a major part in the future and constantly will be evolving.

Importance of Employer Branding:

In the post-COVID era, company culture, and values have become even more essential in recruitment. This has increased the importance of employer branding enormously and potential candidates always prefer companies with strong employer branding and a motivational and inspiring journey. We must understand that having an excellent organizational reputation is critical to attracting quality candidates.


The future of remote hiring

Remote onboarding and training have become a critical part of the hiring process. Employers have had to develop new ways of welcoming and integrating new hires into the team. This can include virtual meet-and-greets, online training sessions, and buddy systems. As the process continues to evolve, new tools and strategies emerge to support it and attract top talent worldwide. However, they must be mindful of how they portray their brand to the world to attract this talent. They must maintain a tech-enabled, flexible approach to their remote recruiting.


Remote hiring at UST

As hiring priorities changed, employers have started looking for candidates that align with the company culture rather than just qualifications. At UST, we are to embrace the same values that have shaped us since the beginning. We've been building enduring relationships and a culture of integrity. And today, those values inspire us to encourage innovation from everyone, even our new hires, to champion diversity and inclusion, and place people at the center of everything we do.