Wireless provider in north america modernized the application delivery network through custom build API gateway solution

Case study

Wireless provider in North America modernized the application delivery network through custom build API gateway solution


Founded nearly 30 years ago, this telecommunications company has become a leading provider of wireless services around the world. Offering flexible, competitive services, the company has almost 200 million customers and generates approximately $80 billion in revenue annually.


As the global company embarked on multiple cloud initiatives relying heavily on APIs, the IT team realized that operating several API gateways created complexities, cross-cutting concerns and governance challenges. The operational costs were significantly high due to the licensing fees spent on multiple gateways. Security risks arise because identifying and resolving root cause issues becomes exponentially more challenging with the increasing number of API gateways. IT leaders at the company wanted to implement a centralized, streamlined, cloud-native API governance platform that provided end-to-end visibility and traceability.


Robust, centralized API management platform provided enterprise-wide oversight.

The UST software engineering team worked along with the customer architect team to develop an in-house API gateway platform, an open-source API gateway for publishing APIs and web service endpoints to streamline API management across the company's cloud infrastructure and applications. Our team has also launched a unified access management platform for API authentication and authorization, embracing Zero-Trust security. The solution has given IT leaders at the company end-to-end API visibility, traceability across the enterprise, and zero-touch security controls. It has also simplified the deployment of APIs for development teams, accelerating application release cycles.


API governance platform helped the wireless company accelerate app development by 90%

The secure, scalable, cloud-native API inventory repository and centralized API gateway helped the company achieve these results to date: