Case Study

UST's experts help Aegon Life Insurance transform website and customer journeys

UST partnered with Aegon Life to create a digital strategy with mobile-first design and development that helped the brand transition to a 100% online sales model.


Founded in 2008 and headquartered in Mumbai, India, Aegon Life Insurance Company offers individual and group insurance. The privately held company is a joint venture between Aegon, N.V., and The Times Group, one of India’s largest media companies.


It was imperative to create a digital-first customer experience

As consumer preferences shift en masse to digital platforms, Aegon Life wanted to phase out its agent-based operations and replace them with a digital-first strategy. To drive maximum business from its online sales channels, Aegon Life wanted to overhaul its existing website to simplify product discovery and offer customized insurance offerings to its suburban target audience.

In addition, the company wanted to upgrade the underlying technology of its e-commerce website to make it more flexible, scalable, responsive, and available even in low-bandwidth locations. To improve the user experience, Aegon Life also wanted to consolidate its Drupal open-source content management system and Symfony PHP web application framework to streamline the content organization.


UST's experience design expertise led to a revamped, more intuitive website

UST used an experience design approach to revamp Aegon Life’s website using intuitive customer journeys strategically. These were coupled with simplified information hierarchies and streamlined product offerings to facilitate easier product discovery and faster decision-making. By replacing industry jargon with straightforward language, the experience design team demystified insurance concepts to increase product appeal to target audiences.

To resolve the technical challenges, UST rearchitected the website with a headless configuration to decouple the underlying infrastructure from the re-usable components, making downstream functionality updates much easier and less disruptive to customers. To simplify content management, UST developed the new website on Drupal 9. Drupal’s API-first approach enabled multichannel, multi-device content delivery as well as faster page loads and improved availability of static content in low-bandwidth regions of India.


Aegon Life transformed customer experiences with seamless, self-service functionality

Aegon Life significantly improved the customer experience with self-service digital functionality. Now, existing and prospective customers can easily research, identify products, and purchase insurance without an agent—even in tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India, where low internet bandwidth can be an issue. By using an experience design approach to develop a digital-first e-commerce website, Aegon Life has created a healthy synergy between intuitive design, user-friendly content, and a flexible architecture that makes content and product updates much easier.