Case Study

UST streamlines global Telco's app suite, boosts feature delivery by 50%

UST implemented a standardized design system and code base for this global telecom company’s in-house application suite. The redesign reduced developer production time frames by 35%, decreased design production cycles by 40%, and accelerated the delivery of new features by 50%.


This multinational telecommunications holding company was founded nearly 30 years ago after a series of mergers and corporate restructuring initiatives. Today, it operates several highly recognizable cellular services companies across Europe and North America. More than 70,000 employees worldwide serve nearly 115 million customers.


Home-grown application suite failed to meet needs of developers and business users

The company’s IT team designed and deployed a suite of multiple applications to manage commerce, security, cloud infrastructure, and the like. However, adoption was lower than expected because the application suite lacked a cohesive user experience. People had to navigate siloed, incompatible systems and processes to complete work, which reduced productivity, caused frustration, and lowered the overall business value of the application suite.

The fragmented application suite was burdened with various points of friction, leading to inconsistencies and unpredictability for application designers and developers throughout the application development lifecycle.


Centralized design system unified disparate applications and enhanced user experiences

UST took a holistic approach to unify the different applications by delivering:


Effective application design boosted business value

After unifying the suite of applications with streamlined navigation and intuitive workflows, user adoption significantly improved. The reusable design components also reduced technical debt and helped the company achieve these business benefits: