Case Study

UST modernizes reservation application system for a leading multinational hotels conglomerate

UST created a web-based Centralized Reservation Office (CRO) application and established a process for consistent technical and functional upgrades.


Our client is a leading hospitality company headquartered in England with 5.9K hotels spanning across 100 countries.


Outdated system, unsuccessful upgrades

At the time of engagement with UST, our client was using a 20-year- old, mainframe-based green screen application to handle hotel reservations through its call center. It had previously tried to build an updated desktop application without success and now needed to upgrade its system to a centralized, single-page interface that could establish a streamlined CI/CD pipeline.


Migrated technology, streamlined programming, enhanced UX

UST created a web-based Centralized Reservation Office (CRO) application and established a process for consistent technical and functional upgrades. Legacy CRO applications were migrated to the new Angular framework which reduced both response and rendering time and increased speed of development.

The new application’s UI underwent back-end programming enhancements and was integrated with API management software that communicated directly with ESB services. Tokenization was implemented for increased application security and its CI/ CD framework was set up for automated deployment and orchestration.

At the same time, UST collaborated with the client to reimagine its UX, uplifting the application to meet UI/UX standards and enrich the user experience.


Application transformation cost savings, increased revenue and a better customer experience

The new application has transformed our client’s customer service, sales and operational capabilities while increasing efficiency and security. Since the application’s implementation, our client has seen 26% savings related to customer service, and 36% of sales activity has now been automated using chatbots and other tools. The application has maintained 99% uptime, driven 50% more efficient execution, and had 0 security leakage. New, integrated call center and customer experience management systems have allowed agents to handle a higher call volume and provide more responsive customer service, resulting in increased revenue and a better customer experience across thousands of locations around the world.


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Digital Transformation | Cloud Transformation & Infrastructure - UST

Digital Transformation Services | Digital Technology Solutions - UST

Digital Services and Strategy Consulting Solutions | UST