Case Study

Transforming support and operational efficiency in the food service industry with UST GenAI Sandbox

After UST GenAI Sandbox helped this global food service company resolve a support issue, sales and security leaders quickly identified additional custom GenAI solutions that have accelerated productivity, eliminated human errors, enhanced work quality, and improved decision-making. The solution has unleased the power of GenAI across the company.


This Europe-based global food service company provides dining services in offices, schools, hospitals, correctional facilities, cultural venues, and many other commercial locations. It employs more than 500,000 people and generates £25 billion in revenue annually.


Tackling too many level 1 unresolved, escalated support issues

The global food service company was in a tight spot. Their level 1 (L1) user support team was drowning in unresolved tickets. Many issues that should have been easily handled were escalated to level 2 (L2) support, causing delays, frustration, and productivity bottlenecks. Upon investigation, support leaders discovered that disorganized, error-ridden documentation was the culprit. The L1 team’s inability to resolve issues efficiently dragged down the entire support process, negatively affecting productivity and customer satisfaction. Since the problem was more profound than just a few typos in support documents and overhauling the entire documentation system was too daunting of a task, support leaders sought a more innovative solution. They needed a way forward, but the path was unclear.


UST GenAI Sandbox resolves support issues while boosting productivity across the enterprise

The company turned to UST for help. After a thorough analysis, we designed a generative AI (GenAI) solution that revolutionized the company’s support processes. Using UST GenAI Sandbox, a low-code development platform for AI, we built a custom solution tailored to the company's needs. We chose three preconfigured components or “cards”—email, translation, and multi-document search—to address the support team’s AI-powered document search needs. As soon as the solution was deployed, the company saw an immediate impact. The number of escalated tickets plummeted, and the L1 support team's productivity soared.

The success of the initial UST GenAI Sandbox solution for the support team sparked a wave of innovation across the company, and the following additional project emerged:


Capitalizing on the power of AI

From a state of disarray to a position of strength, this global food service company has emerged stronger and more efficient thanks to UST GenAI Sandbox. Each new implementation has reinforced the value of the solution, proving that AI can be the key to overcoming operational challenges. The company’s journey exemplifies how even the most challenging situations can be turned around with the right blend of innovation and technology. UST GenAI Sandbox has become a game-changer, delivering:
