
Case Study

UST builds omnichannel broker portal and creates a new collaborative culture

Our client is a Fortune 500 health insurance provider operating in all 50 states.


Our client is a Fortune 500 health insurance provider operating in all 50 states.


Legacy systems, siloed operations, quality issues

Our client uses their broker portal as the primary way to operate in partnership with insurance brokers and provide them with important marketing and operations materials. The goal of the portal is to enable sales across geographic areas and lines of business, but at the time of the client’s first engagement with UST it faced several challenges.

Most pressing of all was the portal’s infrastructure, heavily tied to on-premise legacy systems and unable to scale. Cloud migration was needed, but unclear objectives and siloed operations made it difficult for the client’s DevSecOps team to initiate any true transformation. Quality issues were felt at every stage of the life cycle, from developers to quality assurance teams to customers. The client was seeking a streamlined, omnichannel portal solution.


Collaborative culture, omnichannel delivery, new cloud infrastructure

UST first implemented a trifecta strategy, aligning people, processes, and tools to eliminate silos and create a transparent, collaborative culture. Now, teams and individuals were able to work toward the common goal of transforming the broker portal.

UST reimagined the portal, designing the IT architecture and developing new applications and processes. We worked with our client to implement an effective toolchain that enabled and supported continuous, secure, and lucid omnichannel delivery structures. Finally, we migrated their broker portal application to the cloud to eliminate outdated legacy systems and create a robust, scalable, reliable cloud infrastructure.


Reduced time to market, reliable platform performance, more time for strategic action

Since the implementation of the new portal solution, our client has seen a 10x improvement in system performance, including a 60-70% reduction in maintenance costs for a total of $3M in savings. Brokers who utilize the portal now have a seamless, uniform experience whether they access it from the web, mobile app, or API. Previous gaps in the customer experience such as multiple credentials for multiple systems have been eliminated with the new cloud infrastructure. Capacity and cost are now able to scale up or down based on season and demand. Internally, our client’s processes are now clear and transparent, and culture has shifted to be more collaborative, with team members committed to open communication that drives agility and continued success.


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Learn more about the expertise and resources that helped us achieve success on this project.

Digital Transformation Services | Digital Technology Solutions - UST

Healthcare Consulting Services & Transformation Solutions - UST

Cloud Transformation Services & Solutions | UST