
The do’s and don’ts of selecting an Open RAN vendor

Rajeev Gandhi, Head of Technology, Telco Network Engineering

Innovative O-RAN technologies are transforming the telecommunications sector, and selecting the proper vendors is a crucial first step to reap its rewards.

Rajeev Gandhi, Head of Technology, Telco Network Engineering

With the launch of the Open Radio Access Network (RAN), the telecommunications industry is headed for a dramatic upheaval. An Open RAN (O-RAN) 5G network architecture provides a flexible, affordable replacement for the conventional single vendor, locked-in infrastructure.

The O-RAN ecosystem consists of different vendors offering various network components that can be seamlessly connected to give operators more control over their networks, lower costs, and improve performance. However, many network operators find the O-RAN vendor selection process painful. In this blog, I’ll share my insights on the dos and don'ts of selecting the best O-RAN vendors for your 5G network.


Factors to consider when choosing an O-RAN vendor

The success of your network implementation depends on the decisions you make as you select O-RAN vendors. Therefore, consider the points below in your selection process.

Open RAN vendor selection: The vendor’s O-RAN expertise

Since O-RAN technology is still a relatively new idea, only a few suppliers have experience with the O-RAN ecosystem. Therefore, you must consider how new the vendor is to the marketplace. Selecting a vendor with a successful record of O-RAN network deployments is essential. You must also confirm that the vendor you select understands the unique requirements of your network.

Open RAN Network Needs and Requirements


Common mistakes to avoid when selecting an O-RAN vendor

To optimize your chances of success throughout your 5G network deployment, it's crucial to avoid these pitfalls when choosing an O-RAN vendor. Let's delve into some of the potential areas of concern:


Talk to the O-RAN experts

You can select O-RAN vendors by carefully considering the factors discussed in this article and avoiding common mistakes. Choosing well-vetted vendors that meet your needs can reduce your costs, improve network performance, and enjoy easier, more streamlined network management. Innovative O-RAN technologies are transforming the telecommunications sector, and selecting the proper vendors is a crucial first step to reap its rewards.

UST telecommunications experts are here to help you navigate the 5G O-RAN vendor ecosystem so you can choose the most appropriate primary and back-up vendors for your network requirements and business needs. A team of O-RAN Specialists at UST can help you gain unbiased insights and market intelligence. With our O-RAN knowledge and experience, we can help make sure you consider crucial factors while avoiding common pitfalls as you select vendors. Please visit us at