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Software Product Engineering Services In Current Pandemic Situation

The current pandemic situation has had an unwarranted effect on businesses across sectors and across the globe.

It has not only affected the health of individuals, but it has also affected the global economy, social contact and the way businesses function. This has resulted in significant losses for organizations and posed a risk of disruption across industries.

While small businesses are still struggling to survive, a lot of forward-looking corporations have already rethought their approach and strategies for business operations.

Because of the pandemic, a majority of the workforce, or at least those working for IT companies, were forced to work-from-home, and they will continue working-from-home for the remaining part of 2020. However, a lot of organizations do not have necessary tools and technological resources to implement the work-from-home policy right away.

Partnering with global product development and platform engineering companies – a game changer

According to [1] a research report by Indian Brand Equity Foundation, the IT-BPM sector in India stood at US$177 billion in 2019, and witnessed a 6.1% year-on-year growth. The industry is estimated to grow to $350 billion by 2025.

A survey report released by Statista states that, in 2019 global outsourcing market was worth $92.5 million and is going to grow by 1.6% in 2020.

According to Fortunly, A News, Reviews and Market Analysis company, more than 44% of Chief Intelligence Officers say that they are more likely to use Global Software suppliers than they were using just five years ago.

Since the most effective risk management strategy is geographic diversion, Global Engineering and IT development seems to be a qualitative and profitable choice against such pandemics and future disruptions.

Partnering with companies like premier Global Product Engineering companies has always proved to be a game changer. It is cost-effective and value-driven, and this will not change, even post-COVID.

There are more benefits than those that meet the eyes of partnering with premier Global product and platform development companies. In the initial decades, there were more disadvantages. However, at BlueConch Technologies, when we partner with our customers, we understand their vision, what drives their values and work in tandem with them. We make sure that our tailor-made solutions are developed as per the customers’ requirements and drive growth for their business.