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Case study

New DevOps ecosystem reduced manual processes by 90% for an American weather forecasting company

By transforming software engineering processes, developer productivity increased by 90%. Using best practices and QA testing, UST's DevOps ecosystem also helped the company enhance website and app performance.


This company was founded several decades ago. Its weather reporting programming is a staple in the homes and businesses of hundreds of thousands of viewers internationally every day. In recent years, the company’s services have expanded to include niche documentaries and entertainment programming that complement its popular website and mobile apps.


Weather information company needed technology partner to bolster DevOps ecosystem

The client needed a technology partner with extensive DevOps and CI/CD expertise to help its development team shift from a waterfall to an agile software engineering approach. Specifically, the company needed help to:


DevOps experts modernized the development approach, assessed website and mobile apps for QA issues

UST helped the company’s internal software engineers transition from a legacy, linear waterfall development approach to a modern, iterative DevOps application development mode. Once the DevOps ecosystem was in place, the team automated the development pipelines of the client’s website and flagship apps for both iOS and Android devices. The team introduced best practice governance policies by implementing a release readiness checklist, planning and tracking strategies, a requirements traceability model, and a decision analysis and resolution paradigm to evaluate potential DevOps and CI/CD tools. To streamline processes, the project team implemented quality assurance (QA) automations for critical business functions, including GDPR compliance, locale and map configurations, features administration, and advertising management. The team also conducted a series of in-depth QA analyses to identify website and app performance issues, including:


New DevOps ecosystem reduced manual processes by 90%

With the new continuous development ecosystem in place, the software engineering team at this American weather forecasting company achieved these benefits:



