Four ways UST Cloud Manager harnesses the cloud


Four ways UST Cloud Manager harnesses the cloud

Uma Daniel Koshy, Product Manager | 1 Sep, 2021

The problem often lies in monitoring expansive cloud landscapes spread across multiple cloud environments.

Uma Daniel Koshy, Product Manager

Uma Daniel Koshy, Product Manager

The pandemic has accelerated multicloud adoption as increasingly more organizations adopt remote working cultures that require specific infrastructure requirements for maximum productivity and security in virtual environments.

However, businesses can struggle with accelerating application delivery in modern multicloud environments. The problem often lies in monitoring expansive cloud landscapes spread across multiple cloud environments. This can slow down cloud adoption and reduce the benefits multicloud brings.

So, how do businesses ensure seamless and standardized deployments across cloud environments while ensuring compliance monitoring, cost control and transparency? A modular and fully customizable multicloud management platform can offer flexible deployment options and bring personal dashboards optimized for CIOs, Developers, ITOps, DevOps, and SRE.

The Four Benefits of a Multicloud Management Platform

Provide ‘Click-to-Create’ Deployments

One of the major challenges in multicloud environments is that infrastructure deployments often consume a lot of time, lowering productivity levels and increasing costs.

The key here is to empower developers to become self-sufficient in managing infrastructure and apps. A tool with “click to create” capabilities can help orchestrate faster with self-service cloud deployments.

A focus on self-service architectures and API-driven consumption empowers developers to utilize a self-service experience with an automated DevOps pipeline. The result: developer productivity is scaled exponentially while boosting IT operational efficiency by 25%.

Deploying a multicloud management tool with self-service capabilities makes it possible for IT to move at the speed of the cloud while staying within the IT guardrails, thanks to the perfect balance of reliability and security.

A multicloud management platform that offers IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) provides end-to-end multicloud lifecycle management complete with workflow automation. In addition, developers can leverage standardized templates and policies to enhance security and governance further.

Enterprises must look out for templating and parameterized execution capabilities when bolstering their multicloud ecosystems.

Standardize Application Delivery Through Automation

Agile delivery is at the very core of digital cloud transformation. Every business aims to accelerate application delivery for its teams.

Investing in a cloud management platform that provides architectural blueprints, provisions workloads and automates monitoring can help standardize delivery.

Businesses can even automate configuration management and policies, service catalog and compliance with HIPAA, PCI-DSS, NIST, GDPR, ISO, among others.

A robust multicloud management system can automate system monitoring to evaluate deviations and report vulnerabilities along with recommendations for remediation, taking compliance monitoring to a whole new level.

Centralize Monitoring for Enhanced Transparency

One of the key challenges in a multicloud environment is disparate units and siloed operations, reducing visibility and making monitoring an arduous task.

An intelligent multicloud management tool can aggregate all metrics, logs, and operational alerts in a single view, thereby enhancing visibility and transparency across private, public clouds, and on-prem deployments.

Centralized monitoring with a unified native dashboard can also significantly boost productivity, with managers having to monitor a single pane of glass rather than constantly juggling between tens of different monitoring tools and platforms.

Discover and Remediate Incidents Faster

Multicloud automation is imperative to discover and remediate incidents in a proactive manner to keep remediation truly agile. A system that detects and logs all provisioned resources and incidents can also generate timely alerts.

Look out for platforms that allow businesses to configure the thresholds for discovery and remediation. This can also facilitate self-healing as and when needed.

UST Cloud Manager

Harnessing multicloud automation can make centralized monitoring, compliance monitoring, and active remediation a reality even in the most complex cloud environments.

Consider investing in a multicloud management platform that also offers cost optimization with real-time analysis features, IT automation, and policy-based remediation in addition to rapid self-service deployments.

UST Cloud Manager, with its end-to-end ITaaS management, redefines conventional IT roles in multicloud environments, equipping organizations with management, multicloud brokering, and governing functions.

Explore how UST Cloud Manager can simplify developer workflows and enhance productivity for your business.