Luxury automotive manufacturer digitak transformation

Case Study

Enhancing the customer’s digital experience

How a luxury automotive manufacturer transformed its customer-facing business processes.


Creating a custom digital ecosystem

A multinational luxury vehicle and motorcycle corporation turned to UST to create a customized technology solution to improve internal and external communication, which resulted in scalable business transformation.


Integrating with legacy systems to meet evolving customer needs

Our client tasked us with creating a solution that could address both potential and existing customer needs while leveraging their position in the market. It needed to be completely customizable, allowing them to work towards the implementation of a standardized CRM solution. It also needed to be integrated with legacy central information systems at their head office to enable quicker business decision making.


Delivering a cutting-edge and tailored technology solution

We were entrusted to implement an emerging market solution for New Zealand as a test run. Starting with a single zip file of the source code, our experienced team reverse engineered the solution. After upgrading the solution, we set up Agile Management processes and DevOps practices across the Asia Pacific region, ensuring facilitation of planning, execution and transparency to achieve the aggressive target for standardizing the CRM. We then used our deep expertise to set up DevOps processes, enabling designers and developers to focus on building the bespoke solution in an environment of continuous integration. Communication channels were established between each team to facilitate information flow and build synergy.


Achieving synergy across culturally diverse markets

The communication channels we established marked the beginning of the India Digital Hub, which has now transformed into a Global DevOps center. The standards set by the CRM team were replicated across practices within DevOps initiatives. By end of 2018, the solution went live across 5 markets seamlessly: New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea and Japan.


Explore our competencies and solutions

Our teams have the required domain expertise and technological competencies to offer the right solutions. Learn more about the expertise and resources that helped us achieve success on this project.

Digital Transformation

Strategy, Implementation & Operations
