Case Study

End to end delivery pipeline transparency accelerates developer productivity

Through UST PACE, managers were able to track applications more efficiently in a shared environment.


One of the largest companies operating in the retail and wholesale pharmacy sector serving the United Kingdom.


Siloed tools cause major process slowdowns

A lack of standardization, cross-departmental line-of-sight, communications for project executions, continuous improvements, and proactive monitoring prevented a global pharmacy retailer-wholesaler from achieving a cohesive and efficient delivery process. In addition, compliance tracking across multiple geographies required gathering information from isolated systems which complicated their ability to standardize compliance and adherence processes. .


Contextualized, ready to consume, persona-based insights

Deploying UST PACE, an enterprise delivery transparency solution, the pharmacy retailer gained access to a single pane of glass dashboard where key metrics from different systems were integrated. The elimination of siloed tools facilitated faster decision-making through adoption of contextualized, persona-based insights made available across delivery pipelines. The new solution allowed for transparent monitoring of DevOps maturity across the software development lifecycle — continuously and in near real-time, which exposed key metrics across systems that were leveraged to drive automation.

Through UST PACE, managers were able to track applications more efficiently in a shared environment. And deep insights on team and individual performance data promoted collaboration, communication, and transparency around delivery decision pipelines, made it possible to identify opportunities and implement processes to support standardization. Furthermore, the consistent accessibility to pertinent information in a contextualized manner eased troubleshooting and drove expedited remediation of delivery challenges correcting severe impairments in company-wide productivity.


Single pane of glass enables speed and collaboration

Implementation of UST PACE brought end-to-end, customized standardization of processes that accelerated product engineering maturity across the organization. Collaboration features reduced rework times by 20%, disparate systems were connected, and the new end-to-end dashboard reduced implementation failures while improving recovery times from 30 minutes to 5 minutes.


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Retail Transformation Services and Technology Solutions | UST