Quantela parntership product engineering australia


How Queensland reduced its energy cost by 30%

Facing the need to reduce energy consumption and costs and improve road safety, QDTMR spotted an opportunity to upgrade its 35,000 legacy streetlights with smart streetlighting.

In Queensland, there’s more to street lighting than meets the eye. In partnership with Quantela, UST’s product engineering expertise has underpinned Australia’s largest smart street lighting deployment – and the impact is set to transform the region’s cities for more than 5 million people who live there.

The story

UST provided vital product engineering expertise, partnering with Quantela and Schréder to bring Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads’ (QDTMR) vision to life.

With growing populations and rapid urbanisation, communities around the world are grappling with familiar challenges. Cities need to get smarter, harnessing transformative technology to become more liveable, sustainable, and self-reliant. Smart lighting is a key component of this shift, with ripple effects that reach far and wide.

UST’s product engineering expertise underpins every part of Queensland’s lighting control system, from the physical hardware to the software and city-wide control system.

The impact is palpable. Engineers can control the light system virtually, spotting outages in near-real time. They can monitor the energy consumed, choosing to dim the lights when traffic or footfall is low to reduce Co2 emissions, or brighten them in high-risk scenarios to reduce accidents. Overall improvements to the infrastructure mean the region’s power supply is more secure.

The technology

UST helped Quantela deliver improved public safety and 20–30% lower energy costs. Upgrading 35,000 streetlights to deliver a smart street lighting philosophy was no mean feat — and it was a truly collaborative venture.

UST worked with Quantela and Schréder on the new street light controllers’ hardware design, firmware, supply chain, software development and support, and we created the software platform to handle the networks’ near-real-time data.